Keeping Your Smile Bright: Oral Hygiene Tips for Travelers from Laser Dental Bakersfield


When adventure calls, maintaining your oral hygiene routine can be challenging, but it’s crucial for keeping that traveler’s smile bright and healthy. Dr. Jeannie Molato from Laser Dental Bakersfield shares expert tips for ensuring your dental health doesn’t take a vacation when you do.

Prioritize Your Oral Hygiene Kit

Compact and Travel-Sized Essentials: Invest in a travel-sized oral hygiene kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. Dr. Molato emphasizes the importance of choosing products that meet travel regulations, ensuring your oral care routine doesn’t skip a beat.

Protection for Your Toothbrush: Consider a toothbrush case with ventilation to prevent bacterial growth. Keeping your toothbrush dry and clean is essential, especially when on the move.

Stay Hydrated for Oral Health

The Role of Water: Staying hydrated is vital for overall health and particularly crucial for oral hygiene. Water helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Dr. Molato recommends choosing water over sugary drinks to protect your teeth and keep your mouth moist, combating dry mouth that can lead to bad breath.

Smart Snacking for Healthy Teeth

Choose Teeth-Friendly Snacks: Opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and cheese when snacking during your travels. These foods are not only nutritious but also help clean your teeth naturally. Avoid sugary snacks and beverages that can lead to tooth decay.

Adapting Your Routine to Your Environment

Dealing with Limited Resources: In situations where brushing might not be possible, Dr. Molato suggests rinsing your mouth with water or chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production, helping to cleanse the mouth and neutralize acids.

Understanding Local Water Safety: In areas where tap water is not safe to consume, use bottled water for brushing your teeth to avoid potential health risks.

Make Time for Oral Hygiene

Maintaining Your Routine: Regardless of how hectic your travel schedule might be, setting aside time for your oral hygiene routine is crucial. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily are non-negotiable practices that keep your oral health on track.

Plan for Dental Emergencies

Be Prepared: Dr. Molato advises travelers to have a basic understanding of how to deal with common dental emergencies and to carry a small dental first aid kit. Additionally, knowing how to contact a local dentist in case of an emergency can save you from unnecessary pain and complications.

Regular Check-ups Before and After Travel

Pre-Travel Check-up: A visit to Laser Dental Bakersfield before embarking on your journey can help ensure your teeth are in top condition and any potential issues are addressed.

Post-Travel Follow-up: Upon return, scheduling a follow-up with Dr. Molato can help catch any dental issues that may have arisen during your travels early.


Traveling opens up a world of experiences, but it shouldn’t compromise your oral health. By following these tips from Dr. Jeannie Molato, you can enjoy your adventures without neglecting your dental hygiene. Remember, a healthy smile is your best travel companion.


  1. American Dental Association (ADA): Offers guidelines for maintaining oral health while traveling, including the recommendation of travel-sized oral hygiene products.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Provides information on water safety for travelers, emphasizing the importance of using safe water for dental care.
  3. International Dental Journal: Features studies on the impact of travel on oral health, suggesting strategies for oral hygiene maintenance during travel.

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Dr. Jeannie Molato, DMD – Top Dentist in Bakersfield, CA

The art and science of dentistry has become my career’s passion. I can utilize my artistic passion and skill to give my patients smiles they have always dreamed of. I am also able to relieve my patients of their pain and discomfort, restore function to better their quality of life and educate the patients how to take care and maintain their oral health.