COVID-19 Precautions

Keeping Our Patients Safe

Laser Dental Bakersfield follows the CDC recommendation to use additional infection prevention and control practices (IPC) during COVID-19 pandemic along with standard practices recommended as a part of routine dental healthcare delivery to all patients. These practices are intended to apply to all patients, not just those with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, MERS, Hepatitis C, AIDS, and other infectious diseases. We follow the rule of “Universal Precaution” in our dental practice.

Dentist safety procedure
Surgical team aesthetic surgery

Office Infection Control Protocols

KOMAX mini UV + HEPA Extraoral vacuume System

How Does UV Light Disinfect COVID

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a useful tool for thorough disinfection and sanitation. Specifically, the UV-C range (wavelengths ranging between 200nm and 280nm) is capable of eliminating viruses, bacteria, mold, and spores – including COVID-19 corona virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS), e.coli, yeast, and more. This solution is being used in large scale wastewater treatment, medical facilities, laboratories, manufacturing, food processing and hospitals.

UV Light in treatment room - Laser Dental Bakersfield

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a useful tool for thorough disinfection and sanitation. Specifically, the UV-C range (wavelengths ranging between 200nm and 280nm) is capable of eliminating viruses, bacteria, mold, and spores – including COVID-19 corona virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS), e.coli, yeast, and more. This solution is being used in large scale wastewater treatment, medical facilities, laboratories, manufacturing, food processing and hospitals.

*Please be advised we do NOT offer free dental services, nor are we affiliated with any third party’s who offer “implant clinical trial services or payments”. We are a “fee for service private dental practice”.

We are currently working on fixing misleading advertisements linked to our website. Thank you to our community for your continuous support and understanding in this matter.